My Favorite Quotes

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Social support is a biological necessity, not an option, and this reality should be the backbone of all prevention and treatment.

(Van Der Kolk, B., 2014 The Body Keeps the Score p.167)

Self-regulations depend on having a friendly relationship with your body.

(Van Der Kolk, B., 2014 The Body Keeps the Score p.97)

Less dissociation may mean much more emotional pain to manage.

(Chefetz, 2015, Intensive Psychotherapy for Persistent Dissociative Processes p.184)

In this relationship, each is changed by the other. Attachment is about our transformations by another person into someone whose qualities and characteristics are moulded by the qualities and characteristics of the other individuals. This happens with our mothers, with our lovers, and also with our psychotherapists. Attachment is a dyadic process that becomes characteristic of the individual. We become who we are through the presence of other people in our lives. The individuals in all of his or her varying potentials achieves actuality—becomes a specific person-only through a specific relationship. That relationship becomes a part of the person. For the developing child, the attachment relationship is constitutive of the self.

(Costello, 2013, Attachment Based Psychotherapy, p.25)

The influences on the shaping of each child are intergenerational.

(Costello, 2013, Attachment Based Psychotherapy, p.26)

If a mother cannot meet her baby’s impulses and needs the baby learns to become the mother’s idea of what the baby is.

(Van Der Kolk, B., 2014 The Body Keeps the Score p.113)

…we get our first lesson in self-care from the way that we are cared for.

(Van Der Kolk, B., 2014 The Body Keeps the Score p.110)

Infants cannot experience themselves as being “a good person in a bad situation”.

LaPierre A., & La Pierre H., 2012 Healing Developmental Trauma p.184

…we are all born to engage in each other’s nervous system.

(Hart, 2008, Brain Attachment, Personality and Introduction to Neuroeffective Development p.2)

Trauma is not stored as a narrative with an orderly beginning, middle and end…. Contain fragments of the experience, isolated images, sounds, and body sensations that initially have no context other than fear and panic.

(Van Der Kolk, B., 2014 The Body Keeps the Score p.135)

…psychological stress influences physical illness. Selye developed the theory that stress is a major cause of disease because of the long-term hormonal changes stress causes in the body. … When there has been trauma, stress levels are chronically high and the body loses its capacity to adapt or recover, leading to adrenal fatigue and exhaustion. Selye also found that the effects fo stress depend not only on the magnitude and duration of the stressor, but also on the strategies individual adopt to cope with it…… there is now evidence that when at an early age, individuals become locked in the frozen, parasympathetically dominant state of conservation-withdrawal, the capacity for DNA repair is negatively affected and the vulnerability to illness is increased.

(Heller LaPierre, 2012, Brain Attachment, Personality and Introduction to Neuroeffective Development p.126)

Silence about trauma also leads to death-the death of the soul.

(Van Der Kolk, B., 2014 The Body Keeps the Score p.232)

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